
Showing posts from February, 2022

Travel with Bitcoin around the world in 2022

With the holiday season ending up, you might have missed some locations you wanted to visit last year. But don’t worry as Xceltrip is here to help you make memories on your next trip this 2022. Buckle up, make plans, and keep your crypto ready. Make some awesome and exciting travel memories with XcelTrip. Travel with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies on XcelTrip platforms! XcelTrip for 2022 With over 2.4 million hotels and 450 flights around the globe, XcelTrip offers you a Decentralized travel ecosystem. Which makes your journey more convenient and hassle-free. XcelTrip is a blockchain-based travel OTA platform aimed at disrupting the trillion-dollar travel industry. Now you can travel with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies at XcelTrip platforms.   The most incredible aspect and perk about XcelTrip is that the blockchain based OTA platform accepts cryptocurrency payments. Since it is built on a decentralized ecosystem and blockchain technology where crypto use-cases are democr...